
Since 1992
The Learning House has served hundreds of students who have little or no hope of being successful in their public high schools. During this time, with your financial help and the financial help of many people like you, we have assisted a majority of those students in graduating from high school or being ready to return to their public school. These students have gained insight into themselves as students, as responsible members of their families, and as contributing citizens to their communities.

Examples of what The Learning House Foundation is responsible for:
– The Guy Schachar Memorial College Scholarship Fund
– Attendance bonuses related to the vocational programming at TLH
– Behavior bonuses related to the therapeutic programming at TLH
– Funding of the Summer Experiential Learning Component available to every TLH student
– Purchase of eyeglasses, hearing aids or medical expenses for those qualifying students
Current Events that benefit the foundation
Summer CD
At the end of every summer, parents and students frequently ask for copies of the pictures we have taken on our summer trips. However, the number of pictures is literally in the thousands. With the high number of requests, we have created the Learning House Summer Picture CD. This CD contains ALL of the summer trip pictures and is available for only $10.00 with all proceeds benefiting the Foundation. If you would like to purchase a CD, please contact Kevin Barmantje.
Box Tops for Education
Do you love peeling labels off of soup cans and cutting apart tissue and/or cereal boxes? Then we have the ongoing fundraiser for you! Bring us your “Box Tops” or “Labels for Education” proof of purchases found on many household items, and we can turn those little pieces of cardboard into cash for the school. A list of eligible items can be found online, or you can pick one up from Kevin the next time you are in. If you have any questions please contact Kevin Barmantje.
Ink Cartridges/ Empties for Cash
The Learning House is proud to offer the service of ink cartridge disposal. Once your printer ink cartridges or toner cartridges run out, we are able to collect, wrap and send them in for cash. We are able to take donations of any kind of ink cartridge, including laser jet, ink jet, and toner. If you have questions regarding types of cartridges, etc., please contact Kevin Barmantje.